Camille at Crazy Mama passed the Laine Blogger Award to me. I would like to thank you Camille!

Here's the Rules
  • Answer 5 questions about yourself (same ones listed here).
  • Add award logo in your post and thank the person who gave it to you and link back to the person that gave you the award.
  • Pass it on to 5 other bloggers and notify them on their blog that they won.

Questions and my answers:
  • What is your current beauty obsession? Lip gloss, if that’s considered a beauty obsession
  • What is the ONE item you wish you owned? An Apple Ipad
  • What is your favorite topic to read about? Electronics
  • What inspired you to become a blogger? Pinterest, I saw a ton of blogs on there and decided I wanted to document my life
  • What nail polish are you wearing now? White tips

Blogs I'm passing this award onto:

  1. A Lovely Army Wife
  2. Tis the Life of an Army Wife
  3. Helen in Between
  4. Married to Red White and Blue
  5. The Adventures of Our Army Life

Be sure to follow my blog so you can stay updated and informed!