COMPASS is an orientation to the Navy Lifestyle. It was designed to provide spouses with information and resources to make the Navy experience a positive and successful one for spouses. This is free to all active duty Navy spouses to attend. There's also free on-site babysitting.

It's a 12 hour session delivered over 3 days. 4 hours daily. It benefits the newly married, as well as those who have been "married to the military" for a while. You have an opportunity to learn, as well as share, the secrets of "Navy Life Success".

Participants leave COMPASS with a binder of information and resources, including phone numbers and email address for future reference. The binder covers local as well as Navy-wide information.

Here's some of the information that you will learn about:
U.S. Navy
Military Benefits
Personal Finance
Local Insights

Contact your local Fleet and Family Readiness so that you can find out about this months upcoming COMPASS class.

Here's some helpful links
Fleet and Family Readiness

Be sure to follow my blog so you can stay updated and informed!