Covid 19 has been the first Pandemic that has affected me in my 35 years on this earth. I literally turned 35 a few weeks after the stay home order was announced in California. We celebrated my Birthday safe in the comforts of our own home.

This time has allowed us to be able to spend more time in the house as a family. I have loved this, being that my Husband came home from a 10 month deployment at the end of January. Hes currently only working once a week due to Covid-19.

We are blessed that he has the job that he does and hes still receiving a full paycheck. Some other families have been off work because their employer had to close due to the Pandemic. Which has in turn caused some hardship.

The only issue that we experienced was the lack of groceries and supplies available at our local stores. I was able to purchase supplies online at Instead of usually purchasing groceries from the chain grocery stores, I started shopping at the local community markets. They have had everything we've needed. We are surviving and wanting for nothing!

I normally stock up on tissue, paper towels and laundry detergent. So I havent needed to purchase any of this since the stay at home order went into effect back in mid March. I live in a tight knit military community and we have been sharing and trading items with neighbors to help each other out as well. 

Most days we go outside and walk around our neighborhood while practicing social distancing. We have to get fresh air and vitamin or else we will go stir crazy In here. We are so use to be outside so I'm glad they are allowing us to walk around outside. It gives us a slight feeling of normalcy for those few minutes that we are out.

If you are experiencing hardship due to covid 19, call 2-1-1 and find some local free food sites where they are giving away groceries with no questions asked. Local schools are also providing kids with free lunches daily. Where I'm at, it's no questions asked so make sure you look online to see if theres rules or regulations for your local school lunch sites.

Please feel free to share your recent experiences in the comments section below. Take care of yourself and your family. We will survive this Pandemic together and we will be stronger at the end!

Living through a Pandemic - Covid-19
Covid 19 has been the first Pandemic that has affected me in my 35 years on this earth. I literally turned 35 a few weeks after the stay home order was announced in California. We celebrated my Birthday safe in the comforts of our own home.

This time has allowed us to be able to spend more time in the house as a family. I have loved this, being that my Husband came home from a 10 month deployment at the end of January. Hes currently only working once a week due to Covid-19.

We are blessed that he has the job that he does and hes still receiving a full paycheck. Some other families have been off work because their employer had to close due to the Pandemic. Which has in turn caused some hardship.

The only issue that we experienced was the lack of groceries and supplies available at our local stores. I was able to purchase supplies online at Instead of usually purchasing groceries from the chain grocery stores, I started shopping at the local community markets. They have had everything we've needed. We are surviving and wanting for nothing!

I normally stock up on tissue, paper towels and laundry detergent. So I havent needed to purchase any of this since the stay at home order went into effect back in mid March. I live in a tight knit military community and we have been sharing and trading items with neighbors to help each other out as well. 

Most days we go outside and walk around our neighborhood while practicing social distancing. We have to get fresh air and vitamin or else we will go stir crazy In here. We are so use to be outside so I'm glad they are allowing us to walk around outside. It gives us a slight feeling of normalcy for those few minutes that we are out.

If you are experiencing hardship due to covid 19, call 2-1-1 and find some local free food sites where they are giving away groceries with no questions asked. Local schools are also providing kids with free lunches daily. Where I'm at, it's no questions asked so make sure you look online to see if theres rules or regulations for your local school lunch sites.

Please feel free to share your recent experiences in the comments section below. Take care of yourself and your family. We will survive this Pandemic together and we will be stronger at the end!