I have my son in Daycare because I've been actively seeking employment and going on interviews. He's at the daycare on base where my Husband works. It's the Navy Child Development Center. I love his teachers and so does my little Cayden.

They only offer full time care so I decided that I will go there for about an hr a day when I do not have any interviews scheduled. Cayden is so excited to be around other little babies that he pays me no attention when I'm there! lol. He enjoys playing with the toys and stuff. He has so much fun there that I decided to purchase him all the toys that he uses there so that he can have a set at home. Of course he doesn't like them as much when he's at home. lol

This week Cayden has been reaching for items, such as his toys. He can lay on his stomach and hold his head up for a long time. He even kicks his legs while he's doing it. I think he's ready to start trying to crawl already.

He's a drooler. Has been this way for at least a month now. It's getting worst each day. He's also started sucking on his fist/hands now. My baby has officially started to teeth and he's only 14 weeks. I put his amber teething necklace on him. Lets see how this works for him.

My baby boy is also getting big! I'm thinking that he's going to weigh in at about 14 or 15 pounds when we go for his 4 month check up on May 3rd.

14 Weeks

I have my son in Daycare because I've been actively seeking employment and going on interviews. He's at the daycare on base where my Husband works. It's the Navy Child Development Center. I love his teachers and so does my little Cayden.

They only offer full time care so I decided that I will go there for about an hr a day when I do not have any interviews scheduled. Cayden is so excited to be around other little babies that he pays me no attention when I'm there! lol. He enjoys playing with the toys and stuff. He has so much fun there that I decided to purchase him all the toys that he uses there so that he can have a set at home. Of course he doesn't like them as much when he's at home. lol

This week Cayden has been reaching for items, such as his toys. He can lay on his stomach and hold his head up for a long time. He even kicks his legs while he's doing it. I think he's ready to start trying to crawl already.

He's a drooler. Has been this way for at least a month now. It's getting worst each day. He's also started sucking on his fist/hands now. My baby has officially started to teeth and he's only 14 weeks. I put his amber teething necklace on him. Lets see how this works for him.

My baby boy is also getting big! I'm thinking that he's going to weigh in at about 14 or 15 pounds when we go for his 4 month check up on May 3rd.

Cayden is recovering from his first time being sick. It feels like it's taking forever for him to get rid of that nasty cold. He still has some boogers in his nose everyday. His nose is not running though. I've been using Vicks Baby Chest Rub. I put it on his feet them put his socks on. I put some one his chest and on his neck also. Since he's under 6 months there aren't any medicines that I can give him. I just have to try and push the cold out of him with the Vicks chest rub.

Cayden has really been showing his personality lately. Smiles at everybody that he comes in contact with. When he wakes up he's so happy and smiley. He loves to play and make small baby talk. Sometimes he can baby talk for about 10 minutes straight. It's so adorable!!

13 Weeks

Cayden is recovering from his first time being sick. It feels like it's taking forever for him to get rid of that nasty cold. He still has some boogers in his nose everyday. His nose is not running though. I've been using Vicks Baby Chest Rub. I put it on his feet them put his socks on. I put some one his chest and on his neck also. Since he's under 6 months there aren't any medicines that I can give him. I just have to try and push the cold out of him with the Vicks chest rub.

Cayden has really been showing his personality lately. Smiles at everybody that he comes in contact with. When he wakes up he's so happy and smiley. He loves to play and make small baby talk. Sometimes he can baby talk for about 10 minutes straight. It's so adorable!!

The day Cayden turned 12 weeks was also the day he took his first airplane ride! The first flight was 2 hours from Jacksonville, FL to Baltimore, MD with a 2 hour layover. The second flight was from Baltimore to San Diego, CA was a 5.5 hour flight. The baby did great on both flights. He slept on the first flight. The second flight he slept for about an hour and then he was wide awake watching people line up for the restroom. lol. He smiled and talked to each person that passed by us. That kept him so busy that he wasn't able to get any sleep.

His nose started to run on the second flight. I was hoping it was because it was cold on the plane because my nose started to run a little bit too. Well I was wrong. We both caught a cold from flying or from the climate change. I'm not sure which one it was but this was my babies first time being sick.

He still enjoyed his visit to San Diego. It was the first time that he met my family. He was spoiled by them the whole time. They didn't want him to leave. Leaving San Diego was bittersweet for all of us!

12 Weeks

The day Cayden turned 12 weeks was also the day he took his first airplane ride! The first flight was 2 hours from Jacksonville, FL to Baltimore, MD with a 2 hour layover. The second flight was from Baltimore to San Diego, CA was a 5.5 hour flight. The baby did great on both flights. He slept on the first flight. The second flight he slept for about an hour and then he was wide awake watching people line up for the restroom. lol. He smiled and talked to each person that passed by us. That kept him so busy that he wasn't able to get any sleep.

His nose started to run on the second flight. I was hoping it was because it was cold on the plane because my nose started to run a little bit too. Well I was wrong. We both caught a cold from flying or from the climate change. I'm not sure which one it was but this was my babies first time being sick.

He still enjoyed his visit to San Diego. It was the first time that he met my family. He was spoiled by them the whole time. They didn't want him to leave. Leaving San Diego was bittersweet for all of us!

My son is 11lbs 12oz today. We went for a follow up doctor visit today. That's how I found out that my little guy is not so little anymore.

I noticed that he has been having gas and hiccups a lot now. I decided to purchase some gripe water. I give it to him once a day. We've been using it for a few days now. I haven't noticed much of a difference yet. I'm hoping that this stops the hiccups because I know they bother him.

Cayden loves to smile and play now. Whenever he sees somebody he smiles. He's such a friendly baby. He's sleeping good at night, atleast five hours. Drinks his bottle around 2am and then again at 6am. He doesn't even wake up when he drinks his bottle. I'm also able to change his diaper while he's sleeping too. He's growing up so fast!

11 Weeks

My son is 11lbs 12oz today. We went for a follow up doctor visit today. That's how I found out that my little guy is not so little anymore.

I noticed that he has been having gas and hiccups a lot now. I decided to purchase some gripe water. I give it to him once a day. We've been using it for a few days now. I haven't noticed much of a difference yet. I'm hoping that this stops the hiccups because I know they bother him.

Cayden loves to smile and play now. Whenever he sees somebody he smiles. He's such a friendly baby. He's sleeping good at night, atleast five hours. Drinks his bottle around 2am and then again at 6am. He doesn't even wake up when he drinks his bottle. I'm also able to change his diaper while he's sleeping too. He's growing up so fast!