We just relocated from California to Florida. Taking a cross country road trip in the middle of a pandemic was very scary. We were coming from a state that was in lockdown status. The states that we went through were kind of open.  We decided to stick to our California rules and grab food to go and eat in the car or in our hotel rooms. We also decided to still practice social distancing and used our hand sanitizer when we stopped for breaks. Overall things seemed normal but the reality was, we are living in a scary time. People are scared and worried. 

Life in Florida seems regular compared to where we came from.  It actually doesn’t seem like there’s a pandemic at all. The grocery stores were not low on items and we are able to get sanitizer and supplies on a regular basis out here. It’s crazy what can change when you drive 2500 miles.

The saddest part that comes with moving is leaving your friends behind. We spent more time with them than we did with Family. They became apart of my family and it hurt to have to leave them. Especially knowing that we have to start over in Florida and hope that we are able to meet great people to spend the next three years with.

If you have relocating during the pandemic, share your experience with me. I\"d love to hear about it!