The weeks are seeming to really by me by. I'm getting closer and closer to the end of this pregnancy. My son still has no name. I posted a question on my personal Facebook page so that I could get some ideas on what to name him. I received some great ideas so now I just need to make my mind up on a name.
I have had really bad headaches this week. The doctor said that I can only take Tylenol so that hasn't been helping me much at all. Can anybody suggest some all natural remedies that I might be able to try that would help with the headaches?
I can feel the baby all day everyday. He has really started moving a lot. It feels very uncomfortable. It feels like he's growing and there's no room in there for him. I've also been feeling aches in funny places. Such as my legs, arms, fingers, back and butt. My hands and feet keep swelling.
This final trimester is starting off kind of hard for me. I'm sure other women have been through worst but my headaches and the baby's movement is enough for me! I'm hoping that It will not get any worst for me.
This weeks pictures shows how bloated my face looks. My hair looks a crazy mess.
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