We took 4 round trip flights this year. Cayden has become a pro when it comes to traveling. I've created a list of items that help us make traveling easy. I'm happy to share these tips with you and I hope it helps you out as well!

We found a backpack that has a lunch box attached to it. This is his carry on. Inside the backpack is one of his favorite bears, a few toys, a jacket and a change of clothes in case he spills something on himself

I pack his favorite snacks. He loves brownies, dry cereal, cereal bars, apple sauce, hot dogs and peanut butter & Jelly sandwiches. All of these items are perfect for the plane. I also pack condiments, napkins, utensils, cup and a stray. 

Cayden uses one of my old phones as a tablet since his actual tablet died about a year ago. We download Netflix on the phone. Then we use the offline option where your able to download shows and movies to the device to use when you do not have access to internet or wifi. This allows him to watch his shows while playing with toys and eating snacks.

Inflatable Travel Foot Rest Pillow
This last trip was our first time using the blow up pillow. It fits in the space in front of his seat and allows him to put his feet up and sleep comfortably. The height was adjustable and the only issue we had with this item is that we did not bring a small hand pump. We had to use our mouths. Very exhausting! lol This item folds up small and fits in my carry on. We purchased this from Amazon.com. (The foot rest is pictured in the above picture under Caydens feet)