I know I'm late...but here it goes!


I volunteered at the Womens Shelter for the morning shift on Friday. It's always a nice experience working with the ladies there. I enjoy giving back and being able to help those in need.

The Husband and I had date night on Friday. We did dinner and a movie. It was raining but not too hard. Im so over this rain out here! There's no getting use to it.

Saturday my Husband had to work so it didnt feel like the weekend at all. It was just another day. Then on Sunday he had Duty. There went our whole weekend! He has actually worked the last 8 days with no days off. Which is horrible on the both of us but of course it's worst on him. Im looking forward getting shore duty within the next six months. Im hoping his job becomes more relaxed. The only bad thing about shore duty will be our location but of course we will make the best of it. I can't disclose the location information yet. Hey, I have to keep something a secret around here! lol

Im just glad we were able to spend time together Friday night. We always find time for one another and that's what makes this thing called LOVE work.


I have posted a few new videos on my YOUTUBE channel so be sure to check those out by clicking HERE


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