If you are always taking pictures like me, then you should sign up for a Shutterfly account. They will send you coupon codes via email for a variety of free things. I have received codes for free photobooks, photo prints, photo magnets and photo cards. A variety of things. All you are responsible for is the shipping cost which always just a few dollars.

You can also upload your photos to Shutterfly just for safe keeping. I currently keep all my cell phone photos on automatic upload to my Photobucket account but i like to use ShutterFly as a back up.

Today i received a code for 50% off a photobook. The promo code is BOOKIT. Offer ends October 18, 2012.

So if anyone is interested in creating a photobook here's the perfect opportunity for you to do it at a low cost through Shutterfly.

Be sure to follow my blog so you can stay updated and informed!
Instagram: NavyWif33